Hotel Washroom Amenities

Enhance your guests' experience with our luxurious hotel washroom amenities. Elevate their stay with our high-quality products. Crafted with a blend of excellence and luxury, our products are meticulously designed with eco-friendly packaging. Experience the subtle fragrances and indulge in the guarantee of high quality and sustainability.

Create personalized amenity kit according to property's needs

Experience a wide selection of guest amenities that cater to all your needs:

Amenities Range

Liquid Washroom Amenities

  1. Shampoo,
  2. Conditioner,
  3. Shower/Bath Gel,
  4. Lotion,
  5. Soap

Dry Washroom Amenities

  1. Dental Kit,
  2. Shaving Kit,
  3. Comb,
  4. Shower Cap,
  5. Sanitary Bag,
  6. Vanity Kit,
  7. Sewing Kit,
  8. Slippers,
  9. Shoe Mitt

Residential/Dispenser Amenities

  1. Shampoo 250 ml
  2. Hair Conditioner 250 ml
  3. Shower/Bath Gel 250 ml
  4. Single, Double and Triple bottle wall mounted SS dispensers stand

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